Residential Perimeter Security Systems

  1. Problem:

    • Theft and vandalism
    • Damage to the customer’s home.
    • Insurance mandating perimeter security due to theft


  1. Solution:

    • Invisible Security System like the Seismo Ground Sensors
    • Integrates with local burglar alarm systems
    • A clean and elegant solution to replace IR sensors


  1. Value Delivered:

    • A reliable perimeter detection system
    • Low maintenance and false alarm rate
    • An economic but reliable solution needed
    • Decreased alarm rate and maintenance caused by other previously used solutions.

Residential Perimeter Security Systems

RBtec is a technology-focused company specializing in innovative security sensor solutions for a wide range of security applications.
Residential perimeter security systems are one of the main markets RBtec is offering security solutions for.


Residential sites are homes or farms that are looking to stop any theft or burglaries.
The Seismo ground sensors for home security Is the ideal solution for protecting:

  1. Homes and commercial properties.
  2. Utilities and critical infrastructure.
  3. Agriculture, anti-poaching, archaeological sites.
  4. Self Storage facilities.
  5. Radio, Cellular, Communication antennas.


When you want to stop break-in at the fence then you should add residential perimeter security systems such as the Seismo.

Suggested Solution:


The system RBtec recommend for home intrusion detection system sites is the Seismo seismic sensor security, the Seismo comes in fixed size kits of 4 or 8 sensors that can be connected to ANY alarm system, DVR or SCADA system with simple relay outputs.


Sensor-level AI Processing – Only RBtec offers independent per sensor AI processing for accuracy, better decision making, and Plug&Play installation.


Event classification – Our seismic systems feature signature based AI algorithms that classify events based on the type of threat – with sensitivity adjustment on a sensor and event level.


Adaptive detection – Our algorithm continuously adapts and listens to the environment, leading to fewer false alarms and the highest detection probability.


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